CrossFit Level 1 Certification
CrossFit Gymnastics Course
About Coach
I started dancing when I was 3 years old with Beth Fecteau and still bust mad moves with her as a company member of Nacre Dance Group. I also joined a hip-hop dance team Funky Fresh Collective in 2011 and if you’re good at Googling there might still be some evidence of that on the internet. Who’s to say? I’m a 4th Degree Black belt in Karate and have competed in AAU Nationals. I also taught classes and coached the school’s tournament team. Some may believe they’ve peaked with a 4th Degree black belt, but, like guac, I’m extra. I received my personal training certification in 2016 and began running boot camp-style classes, which led me to Spartan racing in 2017. I showed up at CF Shatter in 2019 on bring-a-friend day (it’s Antoni Favata’s fault) and decided, you know what, challenge accepted. Got my CFL1 in 2020 and the rest is HISTORY.
Turning Point
I never picked up a dumbbell, let alone a barbell, until after college. Growing up, I was so immersed in the dance and karate spaces that all my fitness-related activities were very much of the body weight genre. The thing about getting older though is that you … get older. When I graduated from college I felt a shift in what my body needed. I cannot sit still to save my life, and that’s always been true, but after college, it felt more urgent and it felt like I needed to sort of, not reinvent the wheel, because who has time for that, but shake up my routine and push myself. I’ve never wanted to play it safe. Stagnation? Never heard of her. But I also didn’t know exactly what I wanted to pursue. And so, we baby stepped our way into CrossFit and reader, I touched my first barbell and it was love at first grasp. I started working with a personal trainer (that would be Antoni Favata, again) and he’s the one who first placed a barbell in front of me. What started as training once a week quickly turned into three times a week plus supplemental programming. Antoni was a mentor to me on my health and wellness journey and a big supporter when I decided to get my personal training certification back in 2016. This is mad corny but I would definitely not be anywhere close to where I am today without all the harassing and pushing he did all those years as my personal trainer (and still does). CrossFit was a turning point for me because it gave me a new outlet for all my energy and a way to keep adapting my activities as I get older and my body craves different kinds of movement. I still love dance and karate but CrossFit has my heart. It’s shown me what the human body is capable of, how the body is resilient and can adapt and it makes me feel WAY less squirrely about getting older and staying healthy. Thanks for introducing me to CrossFit Big Toner.
Motivation & Passion
Looking back at my own fitness journey and how much stronger I’ve become over the years, I want to help people accomplish the same things for themselves. There’s a sense of confidence and pride that comes with looking back on your own progress and working hard toward your goals and that’s the thing I love the most about coaching: Helping new members accomplish things they never thought they could, from crushing new skills to setting PRs. I don’t care what your fitness level is, I just want to drip sweat with you and serve you up a stellar fist bump for trying something new and showing up for yourself. My motivation is health and wellness. I want my body to function as well as it can for as long as it can. Catch me committing acts of CrossFit well into my “Golden Girls” years.